Okay folks, knowing how to file your nails is more important than you may think. There are so many options, starting with the purchase of a good file at your local beauty supply...or drugstore. Not to go too far off on a rabbit trail, but please, if you want to take off length, use clippers. I know, you can get one of those heavy duty files and zip the length down in no time, but you will end up causing more harm than on... As with sand-paper, the number of grit on the file shows you how coarse the file is i.e. the lower the grit the more coarse the file. If you are filing your natural nail, just to smooth out an edge, use a 240 or no lower than a 180...and be gentle! What you do to your fingernails today impacts their strength tomorrow. Those 80/100 black files are made for enhanced nails (acrylic or hard gel built nails) *not* for natural nails! As to directions, you want to avoid (seriously, pay attention here) *do*not*saw* your nails. This can cause peeling and flaking! This doesn't mean you can only go one direction, that will tend to leave your nails a bit lopsided...not the latest fashion trend. A good rule of thumb is two swipes right, two swipes left...taking care of your temptation to saw, while giving you a more even shape. As always, if you have questions, please ask. Type to you soon - - - c